Sunday 19 April 2015

FREE PLANET vs WAR WORLD - new website to promote - competing trilogies

there's a new website to promote the completed i.e. finished "Free Planet vs War World" dual/duelling or competing trilogies.

click image to visit Free Planet vs War World site

Saturday 11 April 2015

KUMIKO (war world #3) novel now available - G3 whistleblower series finale.

this weekend is a very special weekend for me, it's the culmination of THREE YEARS of intense and often insane writing effort to resolve the Free Planet vs War World issue.

KUMIKO (the third and concluding novel in the War World series) has been published by Chimericana Books in ebook, kindle and paperback. All formats should be there by the end of this weekend. In the end, it all went rather smoothly. But one imagine you'll wanna know what happened and who won the war.

I'm not even sure who really won, or if the war was worth fighting, you'll have to judge for yourselves how it went. Is this the end of Free Planet vs War World? It feels like it.

Was the conclusion satisfactory or are there still opportunities for more books in the series? How concerned were you that the two series became intimately interconnected? Will you write back and let me know?

KUMIKO, back cover blurb:

Tandem told you all about the conspiracy against Man. 
Watcher showed you how the Glimpsers work to control your Dreams. 
In this third book Kumiko, you'll see the power behind the War World of Profit that enslaves man to debt. 

But who is Kumiko and why is she not like all the others in G3? 

And where is The Bleeding Room? 

And what is GEMing? 
And why did no one ever tell Millgate that his bi-quartered mind wasn't his own? 

Saturday 4 April 2015

KUMIKO - War World book three - 66,000 words and new trilogy cover

Chimericana Books 2016
Well, that's it ladies and gentlemen,

KUMIKO, book three in the War World trilogy started in 2013, is finished.

 “Whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7.

In the end, Kumiko came in at 66,000 words and those who know of my other work/references will understand and appreciate the direction this War World franchise and the Free Planet franchise went/will go. When I say this, and you'll have to read both series right to the end, I mean there's a lovely Future Franchise that will take the whole WW vs FP narrative onto the next level via one unified story line. More of that in coming updates on a newly created blog just for that purpose.

And for those who can't wait until the full-trilogy is re-released by Chimericana Books in one deluxe format edition in 2016, here's what the cover (with the new Author Name, a reversion from Mike to Michael) will look like.

MORNING-AFTER UPDATE: just sorted out the back cover blurbs for both these tandem novels, and I think they'll be published by some time in next week. I just have to do this now, not later. Now.